Core Values

In today's ever-changing legal landscape, it's crucial to have competent and caring attorneys on your side. At Bennett Vernier, we combine our expertise and compassion to provide exceptional legal support. We prioritize not only the outcome of your legal matter but also your overall well-being.

Dedication - Because of our backgrounds, previous commitments, and life experiences, we know that abandoning our clients is not an option. While some law firms may waiver in the face of controversial cases, Bennett Vernier does not bend to political pressures. We are dedicated to going to bat for for you, no matter the controversy.

Experience - Few lawyers have served as first responders, and even fewer have been involved a wide range of modern critical incidents, but one of our founding partners has experienced life on the front lines and understands challenges first responders face like few attorneys. Our real-world experience at the tip of the spear, combined with our legal knowledge, gives Bennett Vernier the expertise and grit to assist you through complex and stressful legal matters.

Care - Bennett Vernier cares not only about the outcome of any legal action but also about our clients and their involved and their families. We are committed to holistically supporting our clients and we work to connect our clients with peer support programs and long-term counseling, if requested.